Welcome Friend! You are important. You are accepted and welcomed at this website where you can be loved by God; Remember, no one will ever love you as much as Jesus loves you. His love is eternal. This is where you can learn to let God love you and learn to love God; know, understand, and obey God; and escape the lake of fire and the power of sin and enjoy the free gift of God, which is eternal life through Jesus Christ, the Eternal One. You can anticipate the powerful, loving, & inevitable super-natural intervention of God in your life. Let me ask you a question that has eternal consequences. Do you know for sure where you will spend eternity? You can know. The Holy Bible is Gods Word. God says these things are written that you may know you have eternal life which is in Jesus Christ. {1 John 5:13} Know that you are deeply loved, highly favored and eternally blessed through Jesus the Christ. God sent Jesus into this world for you to prove His love for you, especially when He took yours and my place on the cross to die for our sins. When He began His public ministry, He had something very important to say at the beginning of His preaching. Read here Jesus' Words. Jesus said, Beloved, “Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand". Understand this truth. True Repentance, brings new life where there was death. When we truly repent, we are ready to let Gods Kingdom come into us by receiving God{Jesus Christ}. This Kingdom authority and power is available to us today. Let us understand what this is all about. Paul, by the Spirit of God stated, "For the Kingdom of God is not in word but in power - (I Corinthians 4:20). He is saying the Kingdom of God is not just words with no power but Gods kingdom is a kingdom of power. All power is given to the King of this Kingdom, Jesus the Christ (Anointed One) which means - empowered by God; as Ruler of all that existed, all that is and ever will be. Jesus Christ is the most powerful Being now and forever to exist. He has all power in Himself. He gives His power to His followers and we represent Him on this earth today and forever. This power is available to you my friend. This is the Kingdom of God. Enter in. Believe in the God of signs, wonders, and miracles. Understand that these attributes are part of His nature, revealed in the life of Jesus Christ. God wants you to reign in life not just exist or think that you are nothing, just part of the cosmos. No Beloved you were created in the likeness of God. You are destined to reign with God as you learn to die daily to your own flesh and you are destined to reign in life through Jesus Christ over your circumstances, overcoming your problems and hang ups as you yield to the Holy Spirit in your life and obey Gods commands in Holy Scripture. More...
I want you to know that you are loved. We all need to be loved by someone in real life. God loves you more than I could ever love you and actually it is His love in me that enables me to love you. Don't give up on yourself. Let God love you. Check this page out if you need some love and encouragement to lift you up and email me at Holyspiritcourage@hotmail.com, my friend. Click on the picture to enter this page.
Let the fire of God , the River of God and the power of God through the Holy Spirit be yours without measure to build Gods Kingdom and destroy all the works of the devil. Be bold and strong and do great exploits for God fearing neither man or devil. For behold I give unto you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall hurt you. Luke 10:19 We must work the works of God while there is still time. We want to take as many souls to heaven and keep people from Hell.
Watch out, and I mean watch out for those who would try to pervert the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, even denying the working of Gods Holy Spirit with His signs, wonders, and miracles, believing that God doesn't work that way anymore. A lie from the devil. God states in His Holy, unadulterated Word: Malachi 3:6 , "For I am the Lord, I change not, therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed". God has not changed, for He states in Hebrews 13:8, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, Today, and forever. When Jesus was preparing Himself to preach,He was led of the Holy Spirit ( Matt. 4:1). If Jesus was led of the Holy Spirit, how can we do any less. Click on picture for more info. More...
Choose Life that You may Live
What I see today happening all over the world is a plague of deception cast upon the world that causes murder to spread like wildfire,one of the horsemen in the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ; Abortion, the willful, planned murder of unborn babies, the most innocent and purest part of a world. This is a world holocaust engineered by the devil himself and carried out by his messengers all over the world, but now presently through various evil spirits and organization of spirits of death, and many others with wicked hearts; babies are being slaughtered in such brutal, hideous, unthinkable ways, as in the time of Moses; as in the time of Jesus and in our time in unprecedented amounts. Millions and millions of babies crying out for judgment as did the blood of Able at the hands of Cain. That spirit of Murder is hated by God. We who love the Lord should hate that spirit of murder; for the Fear of the Lord is to hate all evil; the Scriptures declare. Most of the world stands before God guilty. This is horrible wickedness and must be stopped by all of us. Those who hate God love death,Abortion, according to Gods Word in Proverbs. We who love God love life and must rescue those given over to slaughter. O hold them back God commands us to in Proverbs 24:11,12. We must persuade and convince the woman not to murder the child because the child is in the womb of a woman, created in Gods image. No matter the pressure, whether it comes from an evil law, evil government or family planning group or family member,or boyfriend, do what is right in Gods eyes and choose life. Remember in Bible times, Gods people in Egypt were commanded to kill their newborn babies by the government under which they lived. God blessed the people of God, especially the women b/c they kept their babies alive and did not obey the evil law of their country. We, you can do no less. Let the baby live. You would not be here if your mother killed you. Save the baby and God will bless you. Kill The BABY and be cursed, for no murderer will inherit Eternal Life. The lake of fire awaits all murderers unless genuine repentance and good works follow. Consider carefully these truths and choose to let the baby live. Let all nations look to God and other nations such as "El Salvador" that outlawed Abortion from their country and imposed prison time for all involved in assisting in killing babies in recent years. Click on the picture to enter.
NEWS about Israel
Here is a very important topic that needs to be understood and respected or there will be grave and horrible consequences according to God and His Word. Jerusalem is Gods capital of the world and He put the Jewish people in charge of it according to Gods Word and current Jewish government. The United Nations does not recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish people. Surprisingly, neither does the United States of America. Did you know that? How wrong is that? The current policy recognizes Tel Aviv as Israels capital.Every country of the world has their Embassies within the capital of those countries. Why is our embassy in Tel Aviv? Our U.S. embassy is in Tel Aviv, not Jerusalem. Why? God loves all people John 3:16 More...
To see Gods Kingdom on earth and within the hearts of all people. Preaching Salvation through power, love and faith in Jesus Christ, the sole Savior of the world. Uniting and empowering the Body of Christ to do the works of God. Changing this world through the love,wisdom,power,freedom,deliverance, healing, miracles, signs and wonders of God Almighty. Bringing the Word of God to all tongues, tribes, and nations with God confirming His Word with signs following. Destroying the works of the devil and bringing Gods glory and freedom with His responsibilities to all Nations. Bringing all nations under the Lordship of Jesus Christ,the King of Kings and Lord of Lords through the love, wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit of God.
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